Mary-kate và ashley olsen

After a childhood in the public eye, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen have shifted khổng lồ live fairly private lives. 

Following their shared role as Michelle Tanner on "Full House," the two had successful acting careers in their teen years.

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But they stepped away from the limelight after the late aughts, which Mary-Kate Olsen credits in part due to the fact that they "were raised to lớn be discreet people." 

The twins, who turned 35 on Sunday, rarely give interviews (Mary-Kate Olsen warned they were "a bit out of practice"), but sat down with Vice"s i-D Magazine for a story published Monday to commemorate the 15th anniversary of their fashion brand, The Row. The "New York Minute" stars, who moved to The Big apple together when they were 18, originally didn"t want lớn be the faces of their company, they told the publication. 

"We really didn’t want to lớn be in front of it," Ashley Olsen said. "We didn’t necessarily even want lớn let people know it was us, in a way. I mean, it was one of those things where it was really about the product, khổng lồ the point where we’re like, ‘Who could we get to kind of front this so we don’t have to?’ I think, to lớn this day, you’ll see we really put the hàng hóa first." 

She added: "What we did know was that we wanted to lớn take that time lớn take a break from what we were previously doing & to explore things that interested us, and explore what life has lớn offer (creatively). We wanted to explore making something of ourselves." 

In the past, the two have talked about their decision to lớn quit acting. Mary-Kate Olsen told Allure magazine in 2013 that she is "not great at not being able to lớn control the end product."

Ashley Olsen agreed: "I was reading scripts, and ultimately I just said to lớn the people who were representing me, "I need to vị things 100%. I don"t feel like I can give you 100% of my time," " she said.

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"There"s a lot of compromise in the entertainment industry. I can"t sit in this room and audition for this part." 

More: Mary-Kate, Ashley Olsen explain why they put acting on hold

And:Style icons Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen tóm tắt how they"ve stayed "sheltered"

The Olsens" pivot lớn the fashion industry seems to lớn be well-received. 

Over the years, their designs have been worn by many a superstar, from Angelina Jolie & Rihanna khổng lồ Taylor Swift and Michelle Obama. Và in the i-D story, they were praised by major stars including Zoe Kravitz, Gigi Hadid and Jonah Hill.

"I think because they came from being kid stars – which I wouldn’t usually associate with great style – when they started dressing with incredible taste it was a bigger mind-blow for people because it shattered the image that people had of them in their minds," Hill said.

What"s next? The twins want to continue lớn "stay in control và do things at a time that feels right," Ashley Olsen said. 

“I think we’re very much perfectionists và hard workers and we’ve always been hard workers,” Mary-Kate Olsen added. “So, I am happy that people look at it as a perfect product, or products that feel complete, or whole. I think the reason that we do fashion is to constantly try to lớn fix our imperfections, & you always have next season to vì chưng that. It’s also our job lớn find every imperfection in there to lớn make sure that we’re constantly pushing ourselves & training our eyes & making sure everyone is served. Just evolving và learning.”