Sungyeol and woohyun with high school love on casts

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Xem thêm: Viết Đoạn Văn Giới Thiệu Sapa Bằng Tiếng Anh Trong 2021, Bài Viết Về Sapa Bằng Tiếng Anh



When I first started watching High School Love On, which feels like a million years ago because that"s how long it took for it lớn air, I thought it was a đáng yêu light hearted drama. There wasn"t much plot wise but that didn"t matter because Woohyun, Seul Bi, và Sungyeol were enough to carry the drama with their đáng yêu moments. But of course like most dramas they start off good and then the writers forget that the middle of a drama is just as important as the beginning & end.I hotline this drama the king of circles to my friends. Why? Because this drama goes in circles over và over and over again. The problem is that this drama should have never been over 10 episodes. The writers stretched this plot so thin that most episodes after episode 9 is the characters talking about the same thing without the plot actually moving forward. It stayed inside of a repetitive state that almost became unbearable khổng lồ watch. The only thing that kept me watching was Woohyun và Seul Bi who were the only light in this drama. Also the drama has some of the dumbest plot devices I"ve ever seen.As for the cast, I think they did an okay job. As most of you know this drama stars the young wonderful actress, Kim Sae Ron, & the two hot Infinite band members as her leading boys, Woohyun và Sungyeol. Kim Sae Ron is the strongest actor in this drama. While I vì chưng think Woohyun & Sungyeol vị need lớn work on their acting a bit it wasn"t that bad. I think Woohyun was the luckier one in the character choice because his charisma shined through. Sungyeol"s character is one of the oddest characters I"ve ever watched. The writer"s made a complete 180 with his character around the halfway mark & decided to lớn make him the villain. Too bad they forget to lớn give him real character motivation khổng lồ make him a villain. It made Sungyeol"s character hard to connect with & at one point I could say I really hated his character. There is a difference between teen angst & just being an asshole. I actually felt bad for Sunyeol (the actor) that he got a character like this. As much as I started to lớn dislike Sungyeol"s character the worst character to lớn me was Angel Sunbae. He is a character with no purpose & almost seems to be used as a tool after a while. He would be gone for 3 episodes & then pop back up just lớn cause drama. He had no other purpose other than being an asshole. This also lead me to questioning the whole angel society because somebody should be regulating these angels.The writers failed lớn give the rest of their characters any depth too. They had so many students there & it"s a shame that they didn"t use them to their advantage. Some of the students had xinh tươi romances but I felt like they could have built on these characters a lot more. By the way, the adults in this drama act lượt thích children. I have never seen adults act so irresponsible in my life before. They were even more childish then the students were.The strongest part about this drama is the music. I usually don"t pay attention to lớn OSTs but this one is very good. It was the best thing about this drama lớn be honest.As for rewatch value, I give it a 2. I would never go back khổng lồ watch this drama but if I did it would only be lớn see the beginning of the show.I would only recommend this drama khổng lồ people who are fans of Infinite or tell them to watch the first nine episodes for Seul Bi, Woohyun, and Sungyeol (when they actually had common sense) and then skip to episode 18.This drama to lớn me, story & character wise, wasn"t good. Even the xinh đẹp moments between Seul Bi & Woohyun weren"t enough to make me stop disliking it. The writing was just too repetitive và the characters refused lớn grow at one point.

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