Những phù thủy xứ waverly phần 4

After the government has taken all the wizards away, Alex decides to lớn reveal wizards khổng lồ the world. The rest of the wizarding world doesn"t exactly take well to it.

Bạn đang xem: Những phù thủy xứ waverly phần 4

Alex (Selena Gomez) quits her wizard training after she decides there will never be enough time khổng lồ regain her status & compete for the title of family wizard. However, she is shocked to lớn learn that, as a mortal, she will no longer be able to lớn date Mason (Gregg Sulkin). Meanwhile, after meeting with the Wizard Family Competition Commissioner, Justin (David Henrie) decides to tutor delinquent wizards and do whatever it takes lớn get himself back in the running for the wizard competition. Và a family of Cucuys, Latino mythical monsters, invites the Russos for an evening ...
Harper tries convincing Alex that life without magic isn"t so bad, but the strain of taking responsibility for her actions instead of using magic causes a disagreement between the two best friends. Meanwhile, after Jerry finds the family heirloom wizard robe in shambles, he tries to lớn get khổng lồ the bottom of how it was destroyed.
Dean comes back and wants lớn get back together with Alex. Mason gets jealous và eats Dean. Alex, Max and Justin must go inside Masons body to get Dean out.
Rosie takes Justin, Harper & Alex khổng lồ an angel dance club in the Hollywood sign. Alex, Harper & Justin pretend khổng lồ be angels khổng lồ get in.

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Zeke seeks magic as a new hobby, và when Alex impulsively và secretly assists in one of his routines, he begins lớn suspect that he himself might be a wizard, & confides in Harper about this, forcing her to convince Alex khổng lồ either expose the truth about wizardry to him, or she will.
Alex goes khổng lồ meet Mason"s parents, but discovers Mason has been telling his parents she"s a werewolf. Max turns his parents into 4-year-olds.
Alex and Harper decide to vày a puppet show to raise money for a new apartment & Zeke and Justin help them. But Alex forgets khổng lồ write the lines for the show. Harper gets mad và decides to vị a show of her own and makes her puppets act lượt thích the way Alex treats her. Alex makes Justin và Zeke puppets for her show & steals Harper"s crowd which makes Harper upset. Then Alex apologizes to lớn Harper using the puppets. Meanwhile, Talia"s parents meet Theresa and Jerry for the first time, but it does not go well. Justin puts a spell on Talia"s parents to lớn forget they ever ...
The Russo siblings -- Justin, Alex & Max -- face a sudden & ultimate thử nghiệm to determine which one of them will be entitled to lớn keep their wizardly powers.
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