Pride and prejudice (tv series 2014

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Xem thêm: Tag: Noo Phước Thịnh - Tin Tức Mới Nhất Về `Noo Phước Thịnh`



Pretty well done & very, very tragic all at the same time. This show had some of the best casting I"ve seen in a drama yet, và Dong bỏ ra (Choi Jin Hyuk) & Kang Soo (Lee Tae Hwan) stole it away pretty quickly. The secondary cast was simply amazing in their roles, and they were almost more important than the leads khổng lồ me. Lớn be honest, I think of the leads, Kang Soo was the best all around actor although Dong bỏ ra certainly did a wonderful job. But considering that Kang Soo is still a little new, he never once failed his role. They kept in character và made you feel that the emotions they displayed were real & honest. I felt like they had great chemistry, bouncing well off of one another and the rest of the cast members. The relationships between Kang Soo-Chang Gi và Dong bỏ ra - Chief Moon were very well developed. The secondary cast also worked wonderfully with each other, & the script successfully used them as both plot developers & stress-relieving comedy at all the right places. Jang Won (Choi Woo Shik) & Gwang mày (Jeong Hye Song) were dazzling in their roles & played their parts exceptionally. Without them, the story would have been far to lớn dark và depressing, but with them it was the perfect phối of comedy & serious thought-proving storyline. I didn"t actually really care at all for Han Yeol Moo (Baek Jin Hee), and she took away some of the points I would have given the show. I"m not sure if it was bad acting or bad scripts, but her character just didn"t really work. I"m used to lớn the female stars being, well stubborn sure, but mostly good-hearted, solid morals, and someone who thinks of others first. But Yeol Moo has little patience for other people, actively và deliberately hurt her mom, and had no respect for the rule of law or her superiors. I mean, I understand that the point is that when bad guys are in control, you may have lớn work the system. But she actually was willing lớn sentence another girl lớn death or lớn sacrifice up evidence just lớn get her and her boyfriend out of trouble. Although the show never dealt with it, she was sometimes quoting basically the same thought processes as the bad guys she wanted to stop. It didn"t help that her expressions were non-existent or just felt off, I never felt that her feelings (anger or love alike) were actually real. Korean Dramas usually focus on personal relationships, with the political message in the background. However, Pride and Prejudice definitely pulled its themes forward, with the romance and friendships being largely a secondary plotline. The show questions the theory that "the ends should justify the means" with both good & bad characters trying khổng lồ argue their point using this premise. Is it okay to vì bad things for a good ending? Or what if you only vì chưng something wrong because it is the "lesser evil?" The show pulled in themes of Corruption, Pride, Self-Entitlement, Good v. Evil, Bad Leadership, & knowing when khổng lồ draw the line. I thought one of the most interesting points the show brought up was the question of what to vị when you can"t defeat the evil. Most shows want lớn portray the bad guys as defeatable, but that isn"t really true. Whenever one bad guy is defeated, another one is probably going khổng lồ follow shortly. Furthermore, if the bad guy you want is only a middle-man, is it worth your career to lớn stop him when you know the leader will walk away? We want khổng lồ put everything on the line only when the person we"re chasing is the ultimate evil. But what if he isn"t? What if there are 50 others worse than him running around waiting to lớn be stopped later? Will you still risk everything lớn stop the one? I liked this show just because it made me think, & gave us some interesting things to talk about when it was over.The plotline was somewhat standard KDrama fare, but also threw in a bunch of chất lượng elements. For the first time ever, there wasn"t much of a triangle. This wasn"t about the romances; the show wanted you to focus more on the philosophical questions of morality & good citizenship instead. The crime itself was actually well set up & had lots of new or unique little twists and elements. It wasn"t the simple murder; there were about ten layers lớn even plot development, with each character having their own side to lớn tell. The bad guys who weren"t really bad guys, the good guys who made horrible mistakes, the bad guys who were just bad guys, and the good guys who were so good as to be little earthly good. The show pulled them all in, asking you lớn look at humans, our ethical systems, and the important question of when can the right go wrong. There were of course a few plot holes (especially with the ending being so rushed), but overall, I wasn"t too disappointed with it. On the one hand, the weak ending was a really, really weak ending. It went too fast, it left a lot of loose ties, it didn"t finish things at all. On the other hand, t was well written and well-designed, even if it left me crying và largely unsatisfied at the end. Lớn be honest, I think it needed an unsatisfying ending, because that"s the point. The battle is never over, the next generation simply takes over the reigns and pushes on.

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